Family marks Mary-Ann anniversary

On the first anniversary of the death of Mary-Ann has taken place at her grave. All her friends, family and people of her neighbourhood were there to listen to Father David West, who conducted Mary-Ann’s funeral last year. Mary-Ann was a 16 year old schoolgirl who was raped, tortured and then tabbed to death in Berkshire. Six men were sentenced last month to life in jail. Father David West prayed for Mary-Ann’s family, but he also prayed for the six men who were responsible for her death. After Father David West’s prayers a neighbour of Mary-Ann read a poem about Mary-Ann, comparing her with a butterfly.
My opinion.
I want to make two remarks about this article. My first remark is about the fact that people like Mary-Ann always will remembered, because people are shocked how these six men kill a girl in the way they did. I think it has been a shock for every people in Berkshire. It is also very kind of the people of the neighbourhood who took place at Mary-Ann’s anniversary. My second remark is about the prayers of Father David West. In the most religion that I have information about is it a normal thing to pray for the people who maid mistakes. I really like the fact that Father David West prayed were all the people could listen o his prayers about the six men who were responsible of the death of Mary-Ann.
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