Wednesday, May 31, 2006

India Catholics target Da Vinci


Roman Catholics in the Indian city of Mumbai are taking part in worldwide protest against the movie: ‘The Da Vinci Code’. The Roman Catholics claims that the movie is an attack on their faith. These people want to get attention of the authorities by protesting the movie. CSF general secretary Joseph Dias said that the Christian community has been tolerant about the book of Dan Brown, but a movie would have more impact on the watchers. The community will go on a fast unto death till the government takes action against anti-Christian movies. Christians also collected thousands of signatures to request to the President Abdul Kalam to ban the movie.

My opinion.

Most religion people think that a lot of movies books or caricatures are an attack for their religion. I don’t want to say that all people with a religion think like that, because I have a religion too. But I think a lot of communities take places in the protests so their names will be used in the media. These communities tell their people that they have to protest in stead of explaining things, like the rules of their religion. ‘The Da Vinci Code’ is just a movie, I understand that people get mad of the fact that their religion is been used, but making such a big problem of it demotes there own faith, I think. I don’t think that just Christian people makes problems of movies or other things, but also Muslim people. The Muslims were in protest for the caricature of our prophet, but the man who distributed the caricature was an Imam.

UFO study finds no sign of aliens


There has been a report completed in the year 2000, which has been published for the first time. In this four-year-study is written about the Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO’s) that has been seen in the UK. The answer of the question “Is anyone there?” seems to be “NO!” The 400-page report makes clear that the flying object are special effect which are made by some people who wanted to show these objects to other people. The report also claims that people are telling they have seen something and thinks that it is an UFO, but they are not thinking that it could be something else. These all has a medical explanation of the brain.

My opinion.

I don’t believe in Unidentified Flying Objects myself and I don’t understand that this report is published no in stead of in the year 2000, when it was finished. And I don’t understand that this report is published thanks to Dr David Clarke. My opinion is that this report had to be published when it was done and not by request of a Dr. If they are making problems with publishing it people will think that the governments covered the truth of the real UFO’s because they are afraid of telling people there is something beyond their control. Especially people who have seen UFO’s will think this.

Family marks Mary-Ann anniversary


On the first anniversary of the death of Mary-Ann has taken place at her grave. All her friends, family and people of her neighbourhood were there to listen to Father David West, who conducted Mary-Ann’s funeral last year. Mary-Ann was a 16 year old schoolgirl who was raped, tortured and then tabbed to death in Berkshire. Six men were sentenced last month to life in jail. Father David West prayed for Mary-Ann’s family, but he also prayed for the six men who were responsible for her death. After Father David West’s prayers a neighbour of Mary-Ann read a poem about Mary-Ann, comparing her with a butterfly.

My opinion.

I want to make two remarks about this article. My first remark is about the fact that people like Mary-Ann always will remembered, because people are shocked how these six men kill a girl in the way they did. I think it has been a shock for every people in Berkshire. It is also very kind of the people of the neighbourhood who took place at Mary-Ann’s anniversary. My second remark is about the prayers of Father David West. In the most religion that I have information about is it a normal thing to pray for the people who maid mistakes. I really like the fact that Father David West prayed were all the people could listen o his prayers about the six men who were responsible of the death of Mary-Ann.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Rap star is cautioned over brawl


Snoop Dogg and his group had a fight in April at Heathrow airport. They had a bad behaviour against police officers about there tickets. Seven officers suffered minor injuries; one of them had a fractured hand. He and his gang were arrested and had to spend one night in cell. They had to go to Africa for a concert in Johannesburg. The rapper Snoop Dogg returned to the UK and went to the police station in London. The other five men of Snoop Doggs’ gang are expected to go to the west London police station to answer bail later on Thursday.

My opinion.

Most of famous people think that they can do everything in this world; Snoop Dogg is one of these famous people. There are some laws that every people had to follow and I think people don’t have to make exceptions for famous people. I think there are made a lot of exceptions for famous people like Snoop Dogg, but that’s unfair. I think it was fair that Snoop Dogg and his gang had to spend one night in cell. They were released to go to Johannesburg for a concert, but non famous people can’t tell they have to go, for there wife by example, so they have to stay in cell. Snoop Dogg came back, but he could stay. It is unfair to judge people because of there fame.