Friday, June 16, 2006

Slovenia clear to adopt the euro


Slovenia is a country next to Italy and Slovenia has got its fourth agreement in 15 years. Slovenia was one of the ten new EU members that joined on May the first in 2004.European Union leaders have confirmed Slovenia’s adoption of the euro. The country is now clear to join the other twelve member Euro zone on January the first in 2007. The finance ministers of the EU have decided that Slovenia has the right to set the exchange quantity next month. Slovenia had to change a lot, like the public debt, to get the right to set the exchange quantity.

My opinion.

I am glad to have one more country that has joined to use the Euro. This is much easier for the people who travel a lot. I am very afraid of flying, as you have seen by my opinion on the article ‘crash landing causes mass delays’, so to travel to Turkey by car I have to pass Slovenia also. Each year I go to Turkey, because I have a lot of family there and the best way for me is to go by car. When I was young we had to exchange money in every country, no we don’t have to that in every country if we go by car. So it is much easier for us to travel by car. I hope there will be more countries that will join the Euro zone, like Britain, because I want to travel there a lot, not only for my study, but also for vacation.

Doctors separate conjoined twins


These ten month old girls, Renata and Regina Salinas Fierros, were connected by there lower chest to the pelvis and shared a number of organs. Surgeons in California have successfully separated these girls. The operation was a very complicated operation which lasted more than 12 hours. With the medical team of 80 men they started the operation on Wednesday in a hospital in Los Angeles. The waiting for the wake up of the girls was very excited for the Mexican parents but also for the medical team and especially for the lead surgeon Dr James Stein. Regina is weaker than Renata, she has only one kidney, but both are in good condition now.

My opinion.

Like you have seen before on my blog I am always worried about little children who have to need surgery. I had an article about Jie-jie who has three arms and needs surgery. Renata and Regina were connected twins. After the surgery with 80 men, these two girls were successfully separated. I am really glad that this surgery ended successfully and that the girls woke up and began to move and respond. It is sad that Regina is weaker, because she has one kidney, but she is in well condition, that is what is important. A human being can live with one kidney, so I hope Regina can live healthy with just one. I am sure she will.

Woman charged over Blair packages


An elderly woman has been charged after sending a suspicious package to Prime Minister Tony Blair and his family. These packages includes sugar and weed killer. The seventy-two-year-old Shirley Rita Freed, form Little Hampton is charged of sending foolish packages which was addressed to Tony Blair. The intention of the woman was make the Prime Minister afraid by letting him think that the package includes weird stuff that would endanger health. This woman had sent other packages including white powder to Ann Clwyd MP and another package to Patricia Hewitt MP. She is also charged for sending these packages.

My opinion.

I think it is ridiculous to do such a thing. Maybe it is a fact that not all political people would be loved by everyone, but that does not mean to make them afraid. These men are also human beings and Mrs. Freed has not the right to frighten them. But let’s continue on the fact that Mrs. Freed is a seventy-two-year-old woman. I can not imagine that an elderly woman can do such a thing. I always thought that elderly women will always be nice to other people, but as I can see that is not true… It just makes me laugh, because this woman has just spending her time to frighten people. And now she will be charged at the age of seventy-two.

Gates to end daily Microsoft role


The head of software giant Microsoft Bill Gates has announced that he will end his day-to-day role as head of the software. Bill Gates said that this would help him to spend more time on health and education work at his charity, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He made clear that this was a very hard decision for him; he added that he was not retiring but he was just getting some order in his priorities. Bill Gates will continue to serve in the company of Microsoft as the chairman of the company. He will also give advice on basic development projects after July 2008.

My opinion:

So far as I know Bill Gates he always did a wonderful job for the society and I was really glad when I read this article because he was continuing to do wonderful things. This ‘Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’ is a foundation to help people have access to a great education and to technology in public libraries. It focuses specially on improving the lives of low-income families. After his success in the company of Microsoft he is continuing to help people to get a great education with the technology now days. I think he is doing a great job and I really admire him with his work.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Crash landing causes mass delays


The crash landing of a plain at Birmingham International airport has caused widespread disruption. The airport was closed for a while. It is fully reopened on Thursday, but there still is a large backlog of flights to be dealt with. More than thousand passengers had to go to other runways, including Manchester, Bristol, Coventry and Nottingham East Midlands Airport. No flights were able to land and at least 100 scheduled departures were stranded. Travelers whose inbound flights landed elsewhere were being brought back to Birmingham. An airport spokeswoman said staff would be working the whole night to clear the backlog and catch up.

My opinion.

I think it was a disaster that a crash landing took place in an airport like Birmingham International, but I am glad that the airport is reopened and the staff is still working to clear the backlog an to catch up. I have to confess that these kinds of news articles are making me really afraid to fly in a plain again. I have been afraid to fly all my life, but this article makes me more afraid, because Birmingham is a good airport and crash landings do happen there. But if it happens to me it had to be so, I can not stop it unfortunately…

Mary-Ann's killers lodge appeals


Two of the six men are now in jailed for life for the kidnap, torture rape and murder of Mary-Ann Leneghan. Jamaile Morally (22) and Indrit Krasniqi (18) were jailed for life in April for killing Mary-Ann. Ringleader Adrian Thomas, 20, who was also jailed for life, is appealing against his 27-year tariff. The others three members Michael Johnson (19) Joshua Morally (23) and Llewellyn Adams (24), were told to serve at least 27 years. These six men were also convicted of attempted murder of Mary-Ann’s friend, who can not be named by legal reasons.

My opinion.

I wrote this article because I wanted you to know what happened to the men that killed Mary-Ann. As you can see I had written another article about Mary-Ann. In my opinion these man don’t deserve to be outside anymore. They are not aloud to see sunshine anymore; they have to be locked up for life. They all deserved to be jailed for life, not for 27 years. I think that is not enough if you compare it with the fact what they did to Mary-Ann and her friend. These people are not human beings, in my eyes, they are like dirty animals!!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Doing the decent thing


It is hard to decide to step into an argument these days. Many young people uses material, like a knife, to end the argument. Many people only watches the argument and letting people suffer at the end. A lot of students or just people from the street died after several arguments on the street. Other people are afraid to step into these arguments, so they watch what is happening and what is going to happen. What would you do if you see an argument on the street? Would you step in or just watch?

My opinion.

Like said in this article it is hard to decide what to do, because a lot of (young) people use many materials to end up with a fight or injured people, like a knife or maybe a weapon. I don’t want to let people suffer, but I don’t want to suffer myself. I think it depends on the situation if I step in or not. If I see that I can handle the people who are having an argument, I would step in to help, or just to stop them with arguing. If I see that I cannot handle the persons I will try to get attention of other people around me to step in with each other, so we can stop the argument. But dear readers, I would like to know, what would you do?

Jail terms for school abuse pair


These two men worked at Kerelaw School in Ayshire, which is closed last year. Art teacher Matthew George (left, 56) was sentenced for 10 years for abusing 18 of his students. Residential care worker John Muldoon (right, 53) was sentenced for two-and-a-half year for 4 crimes. Matthew George had physical and sexual abused his students. John Muldoon had found guilty by going into girls’ bedrooms or showers and lying in one girls’ bed. Fortunately these people will never work with young children again. The judge, Lady Paton, who put them in jail said: “You had power and authority over these children and you abused that power”.

My opinion.

What these two men did to their students is a very bad thing, not only for themselves, but also for a lot of teachers. When students or parents read articles like this they have the possibility to feel unsafe by the teachers who are nice to their students. The teachers that are close to their students can be looked different after these kinds of events. This makes me feel very angry, sad and frightened. I am feeling angry, because I cannot figure out why people do such things, I am feeling sad, because teachers do such things, and I am feeling frightened that student will not feel safe by their teachers anymore…

Three-armed boy to have surgery


This baby is born with two left arms and he is going to undergo a surgery where the doctors will remove one of his left arms. However, the team at the Shanghai Children’s Medical Center is not sure how to proceed on their best. So they have to set a date for the operation. The boy, Jie-jie, cries when either of his left arms is touched. His arms aren’t fully functional so the doctors don’t know which arm will be removed. The upper left arm is very slim and is always bent, the under left arm only moves when it is pulled, and does not have a palm.

My opinion.

This baby is not very healthy, because it is also reported that he just has one kidney, so this can make difficulties after the surgery. My opinion is that the surgeons have to be sure to do the surgery to Jie-jie. Otherwise he can have problems when he is older. I think that it is better to do the surgery when he is a little bit older. Sometimes that is better than they operate when he is so young. But I am not a surgeon, so I do not know a lot of these things, I just wrote this, because I have seen a lot of operations where the surgeons are not sure and than the operation fails. That would not be so fine to Jie-jie and his parents.

Disney to sell films via the web


Disney’s home video arm, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, will make the movies available on the internet. People can download there favourite movie and also the movies that are new to their own computer. They can play the movies on there computer or put it on a DVD. This service will start on 6 June. Universal Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Warner Bros, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer has already started this service via Movielink. So Disney’s latest offer is not exclusive. Movies that can be downloaded from Disney’s new service will be protected to prevent copying.

My opinion.

I think a lot of customers will use the latest service of Disney, but there are a lot of people who will be able to copy these movies. I think it will be a good offer for a lot of parents, because parents don’t like the fact they have to buy a lot of DVD’s for their kids, because DVD’s take a lot of space in their bookcase. So parents will use the latest service of Disney a lot, but I still think that people will copy the movies and sell them to their friends of to the people in their neighbourhood. So I think Disney will make a lot of loose by this service.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

India Catholics target Da Vinci


Roman Catholics in the Indian city of Mumbai are taking part in worldwide protest against the movie: ‘The Da Vinci Code’. The Roman Catholics claims that the movie is an attack on their faith. These people want to get attention of the authorities by protesting the movie. CSF general secretary Joseph Dias said that the Christian community has been tolerant about the book of Dan Brown, but a movie would have more impact on the watchers. The community will go on a fast unto death till the government takes action against anti-Christian movies. Christians also collected thousands of signatures to request to the President Abdul Kalam to ban the movie.

My opinion.

Most religion people think that a lot of movies books or caricatures are an attack for their religion. I don’t want to say that all people with a religion think like that, because I have a religion too. But I think a lot of communities take places in the protests so their names will be used in the media. These communities tell their people that they have to protest in stead of explaining things, like the rules of their religion. ‘The Da Vinci Code’ is just a movie, I understand that people get mad of the fact that their religion is been used, but making such a big problem of it demotes there own faith, I think. I don’t think that just Christian people makes problems of movies or other things, but also Muslim people. The Muslims were in protest for the caricature of our prophet, but the man who distributed the caricature was an Imam.

UFO study finds no sign of aliens


There has been a report completed in the year 2000, which has been published for the first time. In this four-year-study is written about the Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO’s) that has been seen in the UK. The answer of the question “Is anyone there?” seems to be “NO!” The 400-page report makes clear that the flying object are special effect which are made by some people who wanted to show these objects to other people. The report also claims that people are telling they have seen something and thinks that it is an UFO, but they are not thinking that it could be something else. These all has a medical explanation of the brain.

My opinion.

I don’t believe in Unidentified Flying Objects myself and I don’t understand that this report is published no in stead of in the year 2000, when it was finished. And I don’t understand that this report is published thanks to Dr David Clarke. My opinion is that this report had to be published when it was done and not by request of a Dr. If they are making problems with publishing it people will think that the governments covered the truth of the real UFO’s because they are afraid of telling people there is something beyond their control. Especially people who have seen UFO’s will think this.

Family marks Mary-Ann anniversary


On the first anniversary of the death of Mary-Ann has taken place at her grave. All her friends, family and people of her neighbourhood were there to listen to Father David West, who conducted Mary-Ann’s funeral last year. Mary-Ann was a 16 year old schoolgirl who was raped, tortured and then tabbed to death in Berkshire. Six men were sentenced last month to life in jail. Father David West prayed for Mary-Ann’s family, but he also prayed for the six men who were responsible for her death. After Father David West’s prayers a neighbour of Mary-Ann read a poem about Mary-Ann, comparing her with a butterfly.

My opinion.

I want to make two remarks about this article. My first remark is about the fact that people like Mary-Ann always will remembered, because people are shocked how these six men kill a girl in the way they did. I think it has been a shock for every people in Berkshire. It is also very kind of the people of the neighbourhood who took place at Mary-Ann’s anniversary. My second remark is about the prayers of Father David West. In the most religion that I have information about is it a normal thing to pray for the people who maid mistakes. I really like the fact that Father David West prayed were all the people could listen o his prayers about the six men who were responsible of the death of Mary-Ann.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Rap star is cautioned over brawl


Snoop Dogg and his group had a fight in April at Heathrow airport. They had a bad behaviour against police officers about there tickets. Seven officers suffered minor injuries; one of them had a fractured hand. He and his gang were arrested and had to spend one night in cell. They had to go to Africa for a concert in Johannesburg. The rapper Snoop Dogg returned to the UK and went to the police station in London. The other five men of Snoop Doggs’ gang are expected to go to the west London police station to answer bail later on Thursday.

My opinion.

Most of famous people think that they can do everything in this world; Snoop Dogg is one of these famous people. There are some laws that every people had to follow and I think people don’t have to make exceptions for famous people. I think there are made a lot of exceptions for famous people like Snoop Dogg, but that’s unfair. I think it was fair that Snoop Dogg and his gang had to spend one night in cell. They were released to go to Johannesburg for a concert, but non famous people can’t tell they have to go, for there wife by example, so they have to stay in cell. Snoop Dogg came back, but he could stay. It is unfair to judge people because of there fame.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Here I come Brighton, here I come.
To end to become...
Become the teacher I want to be,
And let the whole world see,
How the pupils could be free...

Monday, April 24, 2006

ThiS BloG


My name is Leyla Yildirim as you have seen. I'm 19 years old. I'm creating this blog for my course UKOK. I will make a trip to the UK for this course, to Brighton. This blog is going to be about news articles, which is a different part than the trip to the UK. These news articles will be used from the website of BBC UK. I will also use this blog for other courses if I will pass this course! Wish me good luck!!!

Thank you.